Rock salt and grit

Getting to know rock salt and grit
17 February 2022
433 view(s) 3 min read

Getting to know rock salt and grit

The UK weather can be temperamental. One day it’s clear, the next it’s raining, and the day after it's icy. You need to make sure you are ready for anything.

Arguably the most difficult weather condition to manage is snow and freezing temperatures. To make things that bit more complicated, the products used to prevent ice aren’t the easiest to get your head around.

Council Grit Bins. Managing Rock salt levels
6 October 2021
86 view(s) 2 min read

Council Grit Bins. Managing Rock salt levels

In previous years there has been some issues in ensuring that rock salt levels in council grit bins are kept as fully stocked as possible. Each council will have in place a system for replenishing and to ensure that  each of their grit bins are kept as fully stocked as possible on a regular basis, with a rota being based mainly on weather forecasts and priority given to grit bins positioned on hills and in busy areas.
Council Gritting Teams. First Gritting of Winter
13 September 2021
33 view(s) 2 min read

Council Gritting Teams. First Gritting of Winter

With the first of the cold weather creeping in, councils around the country begun gritting the road networks. 

Council Grit Bin Assessments
10 October 2019
34 view(s) 1 min read

Council Grit Bin Assessments

Throughout the UK, Councils carry out assessments to decide the locations of where grit bins are to be placed within their jurisdictions.

Council Grit Bins in the UK. How Many?
11 September 2019
153 view(s) 1 min read

Council Grit Bins in the UK. How Many?

In the UK Councils and Highways agencies have an obligation to ensure that the road networks within their individual designated areas are kept safe and as clear from snow and ice as possible.

How Council gritter prepare for winter
14 August 2019
145 view(s) 3 min read

How Council gritter prepare for winter

As we move further into the Winter months, councils around the country are gearing up to tackle the ensuing harsh weather. 
Millions of pounds are spent every year by councils stocking up on huge amounts of Grit Salt to spread on the road networks within their region.

Grit Salt and how it works
14 November 2018
40 view(s) 2 min read

Grit Salt and how it works

In the UK, what we commonly call Grit Salt is, in actual fact, Rock Salt. You may wonder where Rock Salt comes from and how does it work?

Rock Salt Facts and Figures
13 December 2016
192 view(s) 2 min read

Rock Salt Facts and Figures

Over 2 million tonnes of rock salt are spread onto UK roads each year. The majority is spread on motorways, trunk roads and main roads. Less than a third of other roads are treated.

How to spread rock salt and grit
22 November 2016
420 view(s) 2 min read

How to spread rock salt and grit

Rock salt and grit are used during winter on roads, public areas and areas around business premises and homes to minimise the risk of injury and accidents due to slippery surfaces. With this in mind, we’ve put together a few facts and a quick guide on how and when to use rock salt and grit effectively.

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